Aging IQ is a news aggregate designed to create a location for all of your senior news from holiday meal ideas to cutting edge research. The below article was originally posted on their website by the author below.

When we’re young, we might not recognize exactly how precious our time spent with Grandma truly is.

Looking back, however, we can cherish the fond memories that we do have of her.

Even if it’s just quiet moments in the kitchen in the late afternoon, or walks around the neighborhood in the morning, those memories will stay with us forever. Grandma’s house was always such an interesting place to be.

Do you have a favorite memory with Grandma? Maybe you have a whole bunch of wonderful moments that give you the warm and fuzzy feeling of being at home.

I asked 11 adults what their favorite memory with Grandma was, and their answers did not disappoint!

Everyone’s story provides a little peek into what their childhood with her was like, and they may even make you remember something from your own past that was long forgotten.

Please SHARE these sweet stories, along with your own, with your family and friends on Facebook!

Thumbnail source: YouTube / Great Depression CookingFlickr / Michael 1952


favorite memory with grandma cherries and golden girls

Flickr / elizaraxi

“I used to sit with my grandma and watch episode after episode of The Golden Girls while eating a jar of maraschino cherries. Yep, those were the days.” – Nicoletta


favorite memory with grandma

Flickr / oddharmonic

“I used to make her blow bubbles so I could run around and pop them.” – Janine

This article was sourced from

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