America’s mental health crisis continues to negatively impact our communities as very few sufferers are seeking or receiving proper treatment.
The World Health Organization notes that one in four people will experience a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their life, yet according to Mental Health America, only 44% of adults suffering from a mental health condition are currently receiving treatment.

Whether a person is receiving treatment or not, our mental health challenges aren’t experienced in a controlled environment. They affect our relationships. They affect our jobs. And they affect our finances.
The relationship between mental health struggles and financial struggles almost seems perpetual. A person’s mental health challenges can create financial challenges, those financial challenges can create more mental health challenges, and the cycle rarely ever stops. Assets are spent, debt is acquired, and then financial hardships nearly surpass the mental hardships which seemed to set the whole thing off in the first place.
Sometimes the negative financial consequences of mental health concerns are directly related to the condition itself, and sometimes the financial struggles are simply the byproduct of a life greatly affected by…
This article was sourced from USA Today.